Friday, April 6, 2012

Carpet and Cats

During Christmas the boys and I were gone for 3 weeks visiting family. For work purposes Steven had to stay home. For whatever reason the cat(s) decided to start peeing under the window in the playroom. I have spent the last three months trying to make that room (and our whole house for that matter) not smell like a giant litter box. I finally gave up and called the professionals. They came last Wednesday and the carpets look great now. There is still a little bit of an odor, but you only notice it when you are sitting in the playroom, so the carpet cleaning was mostly a success.
Since the cats spend the majority of of the day under our bed we decided that we were not going to put it back on the frame. This way Malcolm cannot throw up under it anymore and they will be forced to be out more. So far, it is working out pretty good. Malcolm has been more tolerant of the boys petting him, which they just love. River still won't let the boys pet her, but she is more social with Steven and myself.
Since the mattress and box springs are on the floor it looks like we are in college again. We plan to get a whole bedroom set sometime in the near future. When we do, we are more than likely going to get a platform bed, which will be nice.

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