Monday, March 26, 2012

Good Bye Gomez

Sometime before Christmas we decided we would get some goldfish at the beginning of the new year. Once we got back from our trip to Indiana at the beginning of this month, we decided to get some very soon.
A week and a half ago we went to a birthday party that was Nemo themed. The party favor was goldfish, so both boys got one.
I had bought all the supplies weeks before, so all I had to do was set everything up. We named them Gomez and Spaz. Gomez was the name we had given Andrew before he was born and had decided on his name. Spaz became Spaz because while I was trying to get him in the tank he flopped out of the bag onto the floor.
This past weekend I noticed that they had white spots on their tail fins. This disease is called Ich and is treatable with medication you can get at the pet store.
They appeared to be getting better, but this evening after dinner, I found Gomez dead. He was the smaller of the two and had more white spots than Spaz.
I explained to Isaac as best I could what happened, but I don't know if he fully understood. I know that Andrew did not. Isaac kept asking where the second fishy was.
I can't do burials at sea, so I bury fish. I wasn't going to let Isaac be around for the burial, but I changed my mind. This way he would know where Gomez went and hopefully not ask me 20 million times what happened to him. Before I covered him up with dirt, I told Isaac to say good bye to him. I expected him to say it, but all he did was wave. It was sweet and so sad at the same time.
This was our first experience with death, and even thought I don't' think Isaac fully understood, I think he understood enough.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hello Again

It has been a very long time since I have put anything on here. I use to do this mainly for family and friends back home. Now, most of them are on Facebook and can see the boys grow up through pictures on there. So, this is going to be mainly for me. There is just so much that I want to remember about the boys growing up. I think this will be a good place for that and if anybody should stop by to read, I hope they enjoy it too. It is never a dull moment when you have two young, very active little boys.