I had a doctors appointment today and instead of taking Isaac with me I had a friend watch him. I was a little worried about this since somebody other than family has not watched him in months. She said he did really great! It was much easier going to the doctors without Isaac. He can only stand to sit still for a short amount of time before getting fussy. I was able to concentrate on the appointment and get all the questions I needed answered, answered.
Baby 2.0 is doing great. The doctor did another ultrasound because she finds it easier to get a heart rate this way rather than by doppler. Baby was moving all around and I can't believe how much bigger it has gotten again in just a month. This is a side view of the head with the hand up by the ear:

I also went and got our taxes done. Thanks to Isaac and the house, Uncle Sam owes us a nice chunk of change this year!
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